By Vinit Vora
July 23, 2020
A circle, it does not have any ends. And that’s the most important thing. Love and strength together with no end to it means a lot. Zero is always closer than infinity. Read it again and again and understand, not the correct meaning but the depth of the above statement. A circle is a zero, it does not have stops or ups and downs, it is smooth and straight in its kind. A point where it begins is the very zeroth point of your life…
Family is a circle of love and strength, with every birth and union, the circle will grow, every joy shared adds more love, every crisis faced together, makes the circle build stronger. This loop is infinite, it never ends neither it has breaks, it’s a curve which is smooth and straight in its own.
The curve itself is enough to explain the bond or the love when all are together. The strength which includes support from the young ones and guidelines form the elderly. This binds the family together in a loop of happiness and joy. Smiles fades very soon but the cause, the reason behind the smile stays forever. The reason, the cause is generally known as ‘Memories’ which we cherish all your lives. A nostalgic hit takes you from anywhere to the seventh heaven, the ride begins with a smile on face which ends with tears of joy.
The strength is all about the young blood and WHITE HAIR. To move fast is not always the right decision but to keep moving is the only thing. The circle should keep moving slow and steady at its pace, not too fast, not too slow, but with all the love and bonding of togetherness.
Birth is like the most wonderful occasion in a family. The new born which re unites the family, makes everyone smile and adds on a special day to an ordinary day. An occasion is celebrated, enjoyed, remembered and most importantly cherished for life. Birth day is probably the most precious day, a dot which joins and strengthens the circle. Each dot counts and builds the circle stronger than ever before.
Many incidents happen and pass by but some of them leave a faded image of that incident, that one part that one scene which makes you feel better every time you recollect it. Some things never fade some bonds last long and this long this stays forever. Ever felt that you don’t remember simple math formulae and how easily you recollect your old memories and enjoy them with the same emotional ways which add on to one more moment piling up into the memory lane and spending rest life in nostalgia. It is said that virtual memory is the best memory, somewhere around everything you come across piles up, you don’t memorize but you live that moment. Living each moment of our lives to the fullest is the best part of our lives. Live as there’s no tomorrow and death is waiting for next doors. This thought may or may not be efficient or perfect or considerable as we all know we have responsibilities but these things are chosen by you and if this is a problem then whole life is trash. You will end up finding problems in each and everything you do which will give rise to anger which destroys you in no time. Some life tips are very much important. When I said its important it doesn’t mean it’s a must. It’s a thing which is ideal and one should follow it. Ideal things are like dreams or maybe the parallel universe will be a better word for it. You know you live with a motive in life and when I say this it doesn’t reflect what you’re going to do or be in your 40’s, it's about what you’ll do next. The motive is a tricky word. We all have motives in life. Someone wants to live a long life where someone wants to live less but to the fullest. Some must be dreaming to be rich where some maybe just hoping for their better survival. But the interesting things comes into picture when people say they don’t have a motive in life and they become the victim of the situation and cry for life. These characters may have a lot of problems but never try to sort it out, not because they don’t have the resources or they are lazy to figure the right way out. It is just the fear inside them which makes one weaker. Fear is the root cause of every troublesome situation. If you can decide to step forward and face each problem in your way and learn to overcome barriers in the pathway of your success then life becomes easy and will start enjoying each day happily. To face whatever comes or to challenge yourself for the task is the winning hit in the battle.
About Vinit

Adventorous, Lively, Optimistic are the words that define me the best! I absolutely love to explore new things and experimenting with ideas. I truly believe in seizing every moment and making the most out of every opportuunity. The moon and the mountains make me the happiest and keep inspiring me everyday!